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Start the New Year with a Bang!

If you have been waiting for the perfect time to start your business, 2024 might be just it.

Statistics say that there are currently about 70,762 startups in the US. With so many startups launching every day, you may wonder if there is still room to launch your venture.

Our answer is always: Go for it!

Anyone with an idea, ambition, and willingness to work hard can start a business. We know; we didn’t mention funding. It is not that we forgot to, but we genuinely think that funding should not be a barrier as long as alternatives like Unsecured Funding Plans exist!

What makes Unsecured Funding Plans such a good solution for startups?

Borrowing without giving security on any business assets, such as property, or equipment, is an advantage only Unsecured Funding Plans can offer. This aspect is beneficial when your business is nascent and has yet to acquire any primary assets. Since an Unsecured Funding Plan eliminates the need for collateral, the documentation process is minimal, quick, and simple to apply.

Traditional loans give you less to no freedom to utilize the money you want. Also, most banks want you to submit extensive business development plans before you can get the loan. But unsecured funding plans are different – you can utilize the funds for whatever you like without fulfilling such requirements.

At TruFinCo, our unsecured business funding option is one of our most popular loan options, as it’s among the easiest to qualify for. This is the first step for many in obtaining and building business credit.

This will help you get approved for even more loans, and credit lines as your business credit is established.

So why wait until you can start the new year with a BANG? Our company offers so many opportunities to get started, with few requirements only.

Need more details? Find out more on our Business Funding page.


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